Beauty is our universal human language

Beauty is ineffable.

And, at the same time, it's known to all of us. We have all felt wonderment in response to nature or our fellow humans. But in our busy modern urban lives, many of us have become numb to it, blind to the constant offerings of awe-inspiring moments. When we open our eyes and our hearts, we become present to the astounding nature of this existence. 

When we speak of Beauty, we speak of the force that moves us, that makes us smile or cry because something deep in us was touched and awakened. Beauty is present when we watch a baby discovering the world, taste honey and remember the bees harvesting pollen from flowers, witness an elder couple holding hands and lovingly caring for one another, observe the autumn leaves in colors that are impossible to name. 

Beauty is always available to us. All we need to do is look more deeply, beyond the initial layers of our seeing.

How often do you experience awe?

What would your life be like if wonder was a daily experience?

“The Beauty of the world is a mirror for the Beauty within.

Learn to see one and the other reveals itself to you.”

— Elsie Iwase

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